Vera Starbard: T’set Kwei yóo x̱at duwasáakw. Vera Starbard áyá ax̱ saayí. Dleit ḵáa x̱’éináx̱ Vera Marlene Bedard yóo x̱at duwasáakw. Teeyneidi naax̱ x̱at sitee. T’akdeintaan yádi. Wooshkeetaan dachx̱án. Dena’ina dachx̱án. Takjik’ ḵwáan áwé uháan. Shaan Seetxʼ x̱at ḵuwdiztee. Dgheyaytnux’ ḵux̱aa.óo.
Vera Starbard, T’set Kwei, is an editor, author, and playwright. She is a Tlingit Raven, Dog Salmon Clan after her mother, and a Child of T’akdeintaan, meaning her father is the Sea Pigeon Clan. Her paternal grandfather is of the Wooshkeetaan Clan, and her maternal grandfather is Dena’ina Athabascan. Vera’s ancestors are from the village of Tuxecan on Prince of Wales Island, and she’s lived in many communities throughout Alaska growing up. She now makes her home on the Dena’ina land of Anchorage with her husband Joe Bedard of the Inupiaq, Yup’ik, and Cree people, as well as an adopted Chookaneidi.
Vera is the playwright in residence at Perseverance Theatre through the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation National Playwright Residency Program, as well as editor of First Alaskans Magazine, and writer for the PBS KIDS animated children’s program “Molly of Denali,” which won a Peabody Award in 2020.
She has won numerous local, statewide and national individual writing and editing awards, including the Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist Award and Alaska Literary Award. Vera currently serves on the KTOO Board of Directors, HowlRound Theatre Commons Advisory Council, and Kachemak Bay Writer’s Conference Board.
Her full-length play Our Voices Will Be Heard premiered at Perseverance Theatre in 2016. It was then published in the textbook Contemporary Plays by Women of Color in 2017, and turned into a one-hour radio adaptation that aired nationwide in 2018. She published her first children’s book, Raven Steals the Toilet Paper in 2020, inspired by how the Tlingit community addressed past epidemics.