Upcoming Exhibition: Arctic Highways - Unbounded Indigenous People

MoCNA hosts Arctic Highways, featuring 12 Indigenous artists from Sápmi and Arctic North America, exploring themes of identity, borders, and shared cultural experiences.

Exhibitions Arctic Indigenous Art Contemporary Art Cultural Exchange Art Events

The Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA) presents Arctic Highways: Unbounded Indigenous People, a traveling exhibition featuring 12 Indigenous artists from Sápmi and Arctic North America. This powerful showcase explores the concept of unbounded Arctic Indigenous identity, challenging arbitrary political borders and highlighting shared experiences across continents.

Exhibition Details:
Dates: Friday, August 16, 2024 – Sunday, March 2, 2025
Location: IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA), Santa Fe, NM
Opening Reception: August 16, 2024, 5 PM – 7 PM
Member Preview: August 16, 2024, 4 PM – 5 PM

About the Exhibition: 
Arctic Highways brings together artworks that explore what it means to be unbounded, challenging the restrictions of political borders often drawn without regard for landscapes used by Indigenous cultures for millennia. The exhibition includes photography, duodji (Sámi handicraft), sculpture, fibre art, and videos, offering viewers insight into international Indigenous art and issues relevant to Sápmi and Arctic North America.

Featured Artists and Curators:
Arctic Highways is co-curated by Indigenous artists Tomas Colbengtson (Sámi, Sweden), Gunvor Guttorm (Sámi, Norway), Dan Jåma (Sámi, Norway), and Britta Marakatt-Labba (Sámi, Sweden).

Featured Artists:
Matti Aikio (Sámi, Finland)
Stina Folkebrant (Sweden)
Sonya Kelliher-Combs (Inupiaq, Athabaskan, Alaska)
Maureen Gruben (Inuvialuk, Canada)
Marja Helander (Sámi, Finland)
Laila Susanna Kuhmunen (Sámi, Sweden)
Olof Marsja (Sámi, Sweden)
Meryl McMaster (Plains Cree)
Máret Ánne Sara (Sámi, Norway)